Did Man Create God?


Does God play favorites?


    The Jews claim they are the “chosen ones.” The Muslims claim their Allah is “the only true God.”  Evangelical Christians claim that only those who are “born again” will be taken by the Rapture into heaven and the rest of the world will be lost in years of tribulation. In wars each side prays for a victory…before sports events each team prays that they will win. All of these events assume that God plays favorites. [p563]

    It is a very human trait to want to believe we are special in some way. Many religions imply they are God’s favorites and use this assumption to provide believers with an enhanced sense of self-worth and proselytizing fervor. This view is inconsistent with the existence of a fair and impartial God that loves all members of his flock equally. Wanting to be special and better than others is a human wish not a Godly one. Its use in any context suggests that all claims of favoritism were ultimately of human authorship. [p566]

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